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USA: The Tad James Co. LLC

US Office: +1-888-440-4823
US Office from Outside the US: +1-702 440-4823
Fax: +1-702 474-4823
Email: [email protected]

1450 West Horizon Ridge
Parkway B304-#544
Henderson, NV, 89012

NLP Coaching Logo

Australia: The Tad James Co.

Australia Office From Australia ONLY: 1800–133–433
Australia Office: +61-2 9221 9221
Fax: +61-2 9221 7117
Email: [email protected] Bogdan Bobocea
Email: [email protected] Conor Healy

Level 4, Suite 401
19A Boundary St.
Rushcutters Bay, NSW 2011

USA: American Board of Hypnotherapy, American Board of NLP