Structure of Magic – Volume 2

The second book in the series The Structure Of Magic (Volumes 1 and 2)

USD $40.00

Structure of Magic – Volume 2



The Structure of Magic 2

by Richard Bandler and John Grinder

“It would be hard for me to write this preface without my own feeling of excitement, amazement and thrill coming through. What Richard Bandler and John Grinder have done is to watch the process of change over time and distill from it the patterns of “how” process. They seem to have come up with a description of the predictable elements in a transaction between two people that make change happen. Knowing what these are makes it possible to use these consciously and have useful methods for inducing change. Now the knowledge of the process of change is considerably advanced. “

VIRGINIA M. SATIR – International teacher of Family Therapy, author of Peoplemaking and Conjoint Family Therapy


“It is strange pleasure to write a preface for this book, because John Grinder and Richard Bandler have doen something like what my colleagues and I attempted fifteen years ago. Grinder and Bandler have confronted the problems which we confronted then and the result is this series. They have tools which we did not have – or did not see how to use. In this first volume Grinder and Bandler have succeeded in making explicit the syntax of how people avoid change and therefore how to assist them in changing.”

GREGORY BATESON – Author of Steps to an Ecology of Mind


“The Structure of Magic 2 by Richard Bandler and John Grinder is a delightful simplification of the infinite complexities of the language I use with patients. In reading this book, I learned a great deal about the things that I’ve done without knowing about them.”

MILTON H. ERICKSON, M.D – World’s leading authority in Medical Hypnosis, Psychiatrist, Founder of the Techniques of Brief Therapy